Cleaning Up After a Wild Fire Disaster

(Image Source:Instagram user:triggography)

The Wildfire season started early in California and our thoughts are with those who were affected by the wildfires in San Diego. When disasters like these happen, it is important to take proper caution when individuals return to their homes and want to begin the clean up process. However, with any disaster it is recommended to contact a professional to go through the clean up process. Their are many reasons why it can be dangerous if you personally handle the clean up process. The San Diego County Recovery Site

  • Ash and Debris inside burned and damaged structures may contain toxic substances than the fire ash because of the synthetic materials that can be found in a building.
  • Older homes can contain asbestos and lead paint. You do not want to attempt to clean it yourself. Contact a professional asbestos and lead paint removal company who will remove these substances.
  • Food that has been exposed to smoke, ash, heat should not be consumed.
  • Swimming pools that have also been exposed to smoke and ash also need maintenance because they are contaminated.
  • Do not allow children to play or stay around around ash and debris areas so they will not be exposed to toxins.

Natural Disasters affect the lives of many, yet taking safety precautions after is important for the safety and health of others. As listed above, asbestos and lead can be found in many homes and you want to keep you and your family away from being exposed to affected materials and debris. Contact a professional cleaning or demolition company to remove these materials safely. If you are in the San Diego area and would like additional information, you may visit the San Diego Recovery Site

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