Mold Growing in Apartment Buildings

If you are a tenant living in an apartment complex and you face mold problems inside your apartment, you might ask yourself what do I do if I have mold in my apartment? Getting the mold treated in your area right away is the best way to avoid any health risks to you and your family. There are ways that as a tenant you can take action to remove the mold. If there were leaks in the rental property then the tenant is responsible for repairing and maintaining any leaks in the rental property because mold can grow in places like the roof, windows and pipes. If mold was caused by tenants behavior such as keeping areas where mold can grow in a unmanageable condition then the tenant can be liable.As a tenant, you can help prevent mold problems by reporting problems to your landlord to get the landlords attention. Most importantly is to document every problem there is to control moisture inside your apartment to avoid mold from growing. As we have mentioned in previous blog posts, removing large areas where mold present is not a Do it Yourself project. Every state has different regulations but California’s The Toxic Mold Protection Act authorized the state Department of Health Services to set permissible exposure limits for toxic molds and determine remediation standards for those molds. It also requires landlords who know that mold is growing in their rentals to notify their tenants accordingly. Below is a video tip from Angie’s list that gives extra information if you find mold in your home.

Alliance Environmental is a licensed mold removal and remediation contractor. Alliance Environmental will develop a remediation plan detailing method, scope, time and controls to be used, based on fungus type and location. Our services include proper containment and removal as well as thorough site decontamination. In addition, Alliance Environmental also utilizes ThermaPureHeat® to get rid of mold, fungus, mildew, odors and viruses that can be in your environment.

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