What Are the Symptoms of a Lack of Fresh Air?

Signs You May Need Professional Air Duct Cleaning

As awareness of the importance of healthy, comfortable and productive indoor environments becomes more prevalent, many employers are seeing a demand for improved indoor air quality (IAQ). At Alliance Environmental, we are indoor air quality experts and will use cutting-edge tools to develop practical solutions to improve your office’s indoor air quality. Contact our experts today to learn how we can benefit your business.

Can a Lack of Fresh Air Make You Sick?

A decrease in indoor air quality typically results from contaminant accumulation. Additionally, you can impact the air quality of a space by adding certain features such as insulation and caulking. While these elements can help weatherize a building, they can also reduce the amount of air circulation and trap contaminants inside.

Since many people think of air pollution as black smoke from factories, they fail to consider the effect new building materials, aerosol sprays and cleaners can have on air quality. Some of the more serious symptoms that poor indoor air quality can cause include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Sinus congestion
  • Dry throat
  • Fatigue
  • Eye irritation
  • Headache

How to Check Air Quality?

One of the easiest ways to check your building’s air quality is by using an indoor air quality sensor. Many companies offer indoor air quality monitoring equipment, and you can purchase a sensor to detect certain pollutants like mold, asbestos, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and radon. 

After buying a sensor, consider the most beneficial location to place it for testing. It’s best to put it out of direct sunlight and away from induction units, floor fans and personal heaters. If you place a sensor in an office space, ensure it’s at the same height that your employees sit. Or, place your sensor closer to the ceiling to check for specific pollutants such as carbon monoxide.

As you continue monitoring your space, the data you receive will help you develop a more accurate picture of your building’s air quality. You can also use your sensors to provide threshold alerts. For example, if the outdoor air quality is poor, you could use your sensor to alert you when indoor air reaches critical levels so you can take immediate action.

Improve the Air Quality in Your Indoor Space With Alliance Environmental

Keeping employees safe is vital for any company. By partnering with Alliance Environmental, you can trust our expert team will help you develop a personalized solution to enhance your facility’s overall air quality. Keeping staff and patients healthy is a priority for any healthcare facility, and that isn’t possible when air is full of pollutants. Alliance has years of experience clearing air ducts and HVAC systems of pollutants so that all can breathe clean air. We invite you to complete our online contact form to discover more! 

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