Where Can You Find Asbestos? All Over!

We came across the Environmental Protection Agency’s chart of asbestos-containing materials this week and will be Tweeting the list over the next couple of days, but it’s the size of the list that is surprising. We work with people to safely clean up and remove asbestos products every day, but it’s been a while since we thought about just how many there are!

Cement Pipes

Elevator Brake Shoes
Cement Wallboard

HVAC Duct Insulation
Cement Siding

Boiler Insulation
Asphalt Floor Tile

Breaching Insulation
Vinyl Floor Tile Ductwork

Flexible Fabric Connections
Vinyl Sheet Flooring

Cooling Towers
Flooring Backing

Pipe Insulation (corrugated air-cell, block, etc.)
Construction Mastics (floor tile, carpet, ceiling tile, etc.) Heating and Electrical Ducts
Acoustical Plaster

Electrical Panel Partitions
Decorative Plaster

Electrical Cloth
Textured Paints/Coatings

Electric Wiring Insulation
Ceiling Tiles and Lay-in Panels

Spray-Applied Insulation

Roofing Shingles
Blown-in Insulation

Roofing Felt
Fireproofing Materials

Base Flashing
Taping Compounds (thermal)

Thermal Paper Products
Packing Materials (for wall/floor penetrations)

Fire Doors
High Temperature Gaskets

Laboratory Hoods/Table Tops

Laboratory Gloves

Fire Blankets

Joint Compounds
Fire Curtains

Vinyl Wall Coverings
Elevator Equipment Panels

Spackling Compounds

Great thanks to the EPA for that list, but those are only a “Sample List.”

After a natural or man-made disaster or during a renovation project, you may be removing or replacing these products or materials. It is not safe for you to work with or near asbestos containing materials without proper training and equipment. Even one exposure can be dangerous to your health. If you think you might be dealing with something which contains asbestos, call in a professional asbestos abatement technician to remove it completely and safely before trying it yourself. You are running a terrible risk of exposing yourself to this dangerous and cancer-causing mineral.

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